Genre: Video training
Resolution : 704 x 576
Language : English
Donn Draeger, in his world-renowned Asian Fighting Arts, wrote, "Perhaps there is no pencak-silat as curious as the harimau style performed in Sumatra.
" Named for the tiger that its movements so aptly portray, harimau has previously been taught to only a handful of adepts who have used this lithe, sinuous style with deadly effectiveness against armed and unarmed opponents alike. Now the secrets of harimau's low-line kicking, devastating takedowns and savagely effective groundfighting can be yours. In this video, Guru Richard Crabbe de Bordes, certified instructor under Indonesia's General Hanafi, teaches you the basic postures (kudas)footwork patterns (gkhas harimau. He then shows you how to combine these elements into a fighting art designed to take your opponent to the ground and keep him there. Guru de Bordes also teaches rarely seen defense tactics against multiple attackers and demonstrates the practical effectiveness of harimau in a real-life kidnapping scenario. Don't miss this rare opportunity to learn the secrets of one of the most dramatic and unusual martial arts ever developed.

Subtitle :
Part_1 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_2 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_3 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_4 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_5 (Size : 99.45 MB)

Subtitle :
Part_1 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_2 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_3 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_4 (Size : 101.00 MB)
Part_5 (Size : 99.45 MB)
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